Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Forget Me Not Part 2

Part 2 of my short story series, "Forget Me Not". Read part 1 here:

There was an uncomfortable pause as her eyes gazed up and down at the paper in front of her. This gave me time to compose myself and take in what was happening around me. I perched on a near by chair, for this lady to give me a nod of approval for sitting in my own house. "How dare she!" I thought to myself.

 My thoughts were soon stopped in her tracts by a quick "now then."

 She adjusted herself in the chair, making herself more at home than she already seemed to be.

"I know you've been having some issues lately, Soph. I am here to help you out whether you want it or not. Your God mother sent me."

 My God Mother?! I thought to myself slightly perplexed. I haven't seen that lady in over 10 years. How would she know what is going on in my life? Apart from the odd birthday card, there was really not much she knew about me nor my life. Not only this, my life was fine as far as I was concerned. Sure, there was always room for improvement but nothing I couldn't sort out myself, never mind from a complete and utter stranger my parents decided should care for me when I was once 6 months old. Once again, this stranger in my house had left me confused.

"She is worried about you," she continued.

 I made a face. In all honesty, someone coming to my house and telling me I needed to transform my life was bad enough, but I really didn't need to hear about my long lost God Mother at the same time. I remember spending summers with her as a child, which all abruptly stopped two weeks after my 10th birthday. I never really questioned it, and assumed it was to do with growing apart and growing up.

"I know you haven't seen her in some time, and you are probably confused, but there are some things you need to know..." she must have read my mind again I irrationally thought. I panicked, trying to control my thoughts.

"Not only is she your God Mother, but she is also your global minder." Was this lady on drugs?!

I stood up with a moments clarity.

"Look, lady, I don't know who you are or how you know my details, but can you please just leave now. This is ridiculous. I can ring the number of a local hotel if you need somewhere to stay, but in all honesty..."

I was stopped in my tracks.

"Oh Soph,"

"Oh and please stop calling me Soph!" I hastily added.

 She didn't look phased and continued her speech.

"Your God Mother sent me here. Don't shoot the messenger please, dear. We know all about what's going on, we know what you do each day every hour, every minute. Ask me anything, please. I will be able to tell you things nobody else knows about you. We know what happened at the beach last summer. We know the incident last March at Hickley Forest. We know it's been confusing you. So, your God Mother thinks it's time you knew..."

She was right. She was listing things that no one else knew about. The weird experiences, the lights, the noises, the people. Shocked, it all made sense. I needed to give her a chance. She handed me a phone number.

"Your God Mother. Told me to get her to ring you when I got 'ere. Hurry up now, she's not the most patient of people."

There was a lot to learn. I felt as if what I had known all my life was about to be taken from underneath me, and the truth was to come out. Here I was, thinking life was just as normal as the average persons, with the odd bit of excitement. How wrong was I. Confused, I shakily dialled my God Mother and after one ring, there was an answer.

"Ahh, darling Sophie. Thank you for getting back to me. I knew you would."

To be continued...

Jessica Martin. 

Robin Thicke "Blurred Lines" Sexy Boys Parody by Mod Carousel

 "I know you want me." 

Robin Thicke, the star of the controversial "Blurred Lines" video is the topic of many discussions between feminists and ordinary people alike.

 I came across this parody and feel it summed up the thoughts of most females and even some males in general regarding this subject. Does this make you feel uncomfortable watching it? It makes me feel objectified. I am so glad someone has taken the initiative to create something like this which is hard-hitting and straight to the point.

 Now, I know some of you may be sat thinking I must be a prude and Thicke's music video is all a bit of fun. However, believe me when I tell you I am probably the least prude person going, and it takes a lot to make me squirm in my seat when it comes to sexualisation and the like.  

 Men are seen prancing around showing little to the imagination, whilst women in suits; obviously a mark of authority- follow them around saying they need to be "domesticated" in the parody. Pretty strange if you ask me- but this is how women are treated by the media and some men in this world. 

 I enjoy the odd music video with gorgeous women showing off their moves and men in awe, not going to lie. It makes me feel good as a woman. However, something about this video has made me feel slightly uncomfortable... even in 2013. 

The parody has certainly entertained me in a light hearted way, but there is a serious message to be learnt from it.

If you want to check out the original video; click below.

I am not going to lie, it is a catchy song and I will have a dance to it on a Saturday night, but the parody video has definitely shed new light on it. 

Can I just say gentlemen, try any of the lines in this song with a lady you are trying to woo and you probably won't get very far. Just a tip.


Tuesday, 9 July 2013

A few pictures from "Johnny Love", Sunday eve.

 Johnny Love are an awesome local band, based in Plymouth, UK.

For any questions about photographs, feel free to contact me! 

