Sunday 3 February 2013

25 Things About Me

Hey guys! Hope you are all well and having a fabulous weekend. I've had a nice chilled out one, and am heading back to University tomorrow. A few people have been doing these "25 Things About Me" posts, so I thought I would jump on the band wagon. I always find these posts interesting, and it's fun to find out more about the blogger you are reading about!

1) My full name is Jessica Sarah Martin.

2) I have a pet cat called Paddy, he's a little boy.

3) I lived in Ireland for 11 years.

4) I started a Psychology degree before doing a Journalism degree.

5) I am a trained BACP counsellor.

6) I am in love with cats, and a tab obsessed. I would be a cat lady if I could get away with it.

7) I have 1 sibling, a sister, who is older than me.

8) I am unable to drive, but would love to learn this year.

9) Shopping makes me happy, which is pretty sad and superficial.

10) I have 4 tattoos.

11) I never thought I would get any tattoos, but once you get one they are pretty addictive!

12) My star sign is Taurus.

13) I have seen Psychics before, and am pretty open minded about them.

14) I love horror movies! Just recently saw VHS which was pretty screwed up.

15) I enjoyed the "50 Shades of Grey" trilogy.

16) I adore Harry Potter and hope to go to "The Making of Harry Potter" in London, England pretty soon.

17) I am a bit of a spender and crap with money!

18) I love acoustic music.

19) My favourite alcohol drink is anything that doesn't taste like booze but gets you tipsy. Hey, I admit it!

20) I am obsessed with Nando's restaurant and have been around 50 times. It's shameful.

21) I used to love MAC cosmetics (still do); and collect all the collections.

22) I would love to write a book one day.

23) I love pretty pictures and photography.

24) I am left handed.

25) I am naturally dark blonde.

 And there we have it! Link me to your person facts, I love reading about my followers.

See you soon,



  1. Oooo! I may have to do one of these in my blog :) I love reading them too x

  2. New follower, I love the cute design of your blog :D

    Also loved the questions :) - If you get a chance I would be super grateful if you checked out my link

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  3. i love nandos too!! great facts :) x

  4. Great posts gorgeous girl! I'm a spender too! Saving is impossible! X
